
Prozac Success Stories

Finding the right medication that works for you can be challenging. Maybe you’ve been trying a different medication for a few weeks, and you’re still not feeling the benefits. You’re preparing to talk to your doctor or mental health care provider about your experience, but you’re unsure where to go. 

Looking into the stories behind medications such as Prozac can help you understand your symptoms and needs more clearly. Exploring your options for treatment with medication and therapy can help you start to map a game plan for yourself of what to bring up with your prescribing provider at your next appointment. 

What Is Prozac?

Prozac belongs to a class of drug called SSRIs, which stands for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. SSRIs function by functions by increasing your serotonin levels, resulting in a better-maintained mental balance. Many providers prescribe this drug to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, and anxiety. 

You may also see Proxac referred to by its non-brand name, fluoxetine. This medication can come in tablet form or as a capsule, delayed-release capsule, or liquid. Many people take these one to two times daily, with the extended-release variety taken once per week. 

Who Can Take Prozac?

If you’ve never heard of this medication, you could be wondering who benefits from it the most. As we mentioned, many prescribing health and mental health care providers choose Prozac for their patients with depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety. 

If you’ve been struggling with one or more of these mental health challenges, you might benefit from seeking the proper treatment. Learning more about Prozac can help you understand whether this medication might also benefit you.

What are the Risks and Benefits of Taking Prozac?

Knowing the risks and benefits of medication is essential before you begin taking it. Perhaps you’re getting ready to bring this medication up in conversation with your psychiatrist or doctor. 

Looking at the typical side effects, risks, and benefits can help you see whether this medication could fit your current needs.  

On Prozac, you may encounter several side effects. Here are a few of the most common:

  • Nervousness

  • Anxiety

  • Nausea

  • Heartburn

  • Diarrhea

  • Dry mouth

  • Yawning

  • Uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body

  • Loss of appetite

  • Weight loss

  • Memory problems

  • Changes in sex drive or ability

  • Excessive sweating

  • Weakness

  • Tremor

  • Abnormal dreams

  • Headache

  • Confusion

  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

  • Difficulty concentrating

There are also several potential benefits you may experience on this medication. Here are a few:

  • Reduced anxiety

  • More stable mood

  • Uplifted spirit

Keep these risks in mind, too:

  • Quitting abruptly can have adverse side effects. 

  • Withdrawals can initiate confusion, dizziness, and even brain zaps. 

  • It can  increase suicidal thoughts in young adults and teenagers. 

Three Success Stories About Prozac 

Let’s look at a few stories from people who use Prozac and their successes. Then, we’ll talk about the signs that can show you you’re dealing with anxiety or depression and show you how to get the help you need. 

1. Sleeping Isn’t So Difficult 

According to Drugs.com, a user reported: “This medication has been great. I was so afraid to start, and I didn’t feel well for the first five to six days. 

On day eight, I felt so much better! I don’t have panic attacks, I can breathe, sleep better, and don’t get stressed over small things. I still have negative thoughts but let them go immediately. I feel like I’m a nicer person, and I feel like I can listen to other people again without my thoughts taking over…”

2. Overthinking Is Over 

Have you ever had experience with overthinking? A Prozac user named Patrick has, and this medication helped them leave it behind.

“…I spent many many years always worried about other people’s feelings to the point of overthinking things constantly. Worrying about what people thought of me, I had low self-esteem and low self-opinion. Social anxiety was always a serious problem for me also. With that being said, anxiety and worry crept into full-blown depression. So my doctor put me on Prozac 20 mg. 

At first, it made me a little drowsy, but it gave me a better feeling of calmness, peace, and basically not worried about little things or what people thought of me. And after about a month, all of those chronic worry, stress, and fears were totally gone. Totally…”

3. Calm During Stress 

Perhaps you work in a stressful environment where it can get easy to work yourself into an anxious state. If so, you might want to hear from someone in a similar position to learn whether Prozac helped their struggles. One Prozac user noted precisely this kind of positive change in their life.

“…I definitely feel such a positive change in myself. I remember before going to school, I would have panic attacks, stress so much I’d become sick, and shake and sweat badly from the stress. I would cry so much from becoming overly stressed. Now, I feel a significant change. I am much calmer in stressful situations…”

Signs You’re Struggling with Anxiety or Depression 

Perhaps you stumbled onto this article by mistake. You may not take any medications for mental health treatment, but you’ve always wondered if you should.

You don’t have to wonder forever. Let’s explore the key signs of anxiety and depression. Then, we’ll show you why Mood Health offers the most high-quality, convenient mental health care. 

Signs of Anxiety 

If you’ve always felt like a nervous person, learning the signs of anxiety may cause you to realize even more about yourself. Although you shouldn’t attempt to diagnose yourself, reading up on the symptoms can allow you to bring up your experiences with a trained provider. Here are several common signs you may be dealing with anxiety:

  • You have trouble falling asleep at night. 

  • You avoid specific places, people, or things because of your worries. 

  • You experience physical anxiety symptoms, such as a nervous stomach, dizziness, trembling, or feeling tight chest/short of breath.

  • You feel that you’re always on guard. 

Depression Indicators 

Just like understanding some of the signs for anxiety can be helpful, learning about the familiar cues for depression can help you discern what you’re dealing with more clearly. Here are some of the main signs you might have depression:

  • Activities that once had value are meaningless now. 

  • You feel numb or hopeless about your life.

  • You have little energy and may experience sleep disturbances.

  • Getting out of bed in the morning can be extremely difficult. 

What to do When You’re Not Feeling Your Best 

If you’re resonating with any of the above signs, you could be wondering what to do next. Finding a treatment that works for you doesn’t have to be arduous. You deserve mental health care that’s easy to access and works with you to make your life more stable again.

When you’re ready, reaching out to a professional Mood Health mental health care provider and psychiatric care provider can help get you started on a treatment plan tailored to you. 

Mental Health Care Can Be a Breeze at Mood Health

Accessing mental health services doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Here’s how we make therapy and psychiatric care smoother experiences at Mood Health.

Easy appointments: We believe you shouldn’t have to wait months to see a provider about the anxiety and depression symptoms you’ve been feeling. At Mood Health, you can make your first virtual appointment today and see your provider within the week. 

Virtual care: Sometimes, going to a physical office for psychiatric care and therapy can take time out of your schedule that you don’t have. It can also be uncomfortable for many first-time therapy goers to see their provider in person. At Mood Health, our virtual appointments make it possible to meet with your providers from the comfort and privacy of your home. 

Prescription management: When you meet with your psychiatric provider, there’s a chance they’ll prescribe medicine to help manage your depression and anxiety symptoms. Your Mood Health provider will help you navigate the process of adjusting to your medication and finding the treatment that works for you. 

Mood Health Has Your Back 

Researching about different medicines can help you feel more informed about the symptoms you’re experiencing. When you’re ready to seek care that helps make a difference in your life, reaching out to Mood Health is a fantastic first step toward a life that feels better. 



Are you missing these signs of anxiety or depression? | Harvard Health

What Is Anxiety? | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing | University of Minnesota

Anxiety and Panic Attack Management | Gustavus Adolphus College

Fluoxetine Reviews & Ratings | Drugs.com